
The United States imposes an estate or succession tax on the transfer of specific US situs assets owned by a person on death, even if the person was neither a citizen nor a resident of the United States at death (aka a non-domiciliary).

US situs assets owned at the decedent’s death that are subject to US estate tax include:

  • 美国房地产
  • Tangible property physically located in the United States such as automobiles, 家具, 珠宝, 等. (cash and currency are considered tangible personal property and will be taxable if located in the United States)
  • 某些无形资产, such as stock of corporations organized in or under US law, 即使死者在国外持有证书
  • 美国人的债务(如.g. 美国公司发行的债券或其他债务工具);
  • 在美国持有合格的退休计划
  • A US trade or business, and bank accounts used in connection with a US trade or business

Computing the US estate tax requires that the representative of the deceased determine the total value of the US situs assets held at the date of death. An asset’s value is its fair market value on the date of death rather than its value when acquired.

免税额只有60美元,000 is available against the value of US situs assets includable in the US taxable estate of a non-domiciliary individual. If the value of the individual’s US situs assets exceeds $60,000元死亡, the estate’s representative must file Form 706-NA United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Form 706-NA is used to compute the US estate tax liability of the decedent’s estate. US estate tax rates are progressive and currently range from 18% to 40%.

如果值是60美元,000或以下, 不需要填写706-NA表, but we are increasingly seeing financial institutions request that the representative provide a US Transfer Certificate which certifies that the decedent’s property may be transferred without liability. 从美国国税局获得转让证书, the representative must submit an affidavit and various estate related documents, and the IRS warns that the time frame for them to process the request is six to nine months from the time the IRS receives all necessary documentation.

We note that the US has entered into a limited number of estate tax treaties (currently only 16) which may help better define domicile, 修改某些位置规则, 减少或消除双重征税, 并提供额外扣除和其他税收减免.

Given that foreign direct investment into the United States has consistently increased over the past 20 years (totaling close to $5.根据美国政府的统计,到2022年将达到25万亿美元), it is obvious why the IRS has intensified its review of foreign estates with US situs assets. 进一步, international financial institutions have become both attentive to US situs assets and cautious in allowing their distribution without confirmation that no US estate tax is due.

Estate planning around US assets is critical for international investors. Proper planning can reduce exposure to US estate tax and the accompanying delay in the release of the assets to the estate’s beneficiaries. Such planning frequently focuses on avoiding direct individual ownership of US situs property, but it must take into account both the US rules and the investor’s home country rules. 澳门官方老葡京 如果你有任何相关的担忧.
